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Monthly Meeting - Jumping in with BOTH FEET!
Registration Info
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150 Total Slots
29 Available Slot(s)
About this event
October Monthly Meeting - October 11, 2018

Testimonials and experiences of investors who at some point
jumped in with both feet, learned a lot and are willing to share how YOU, TOO can be successful.
We will interview a panel of Investors (newbies to 30 year veterans), new to our stage, who will share:
• How they got Started
• Some scary moments/deals
• How some lemons turned into lemonade
• Section 8 Pros and Cons
• AND we will have a Q & A at the end from our panel of guest speakers.
??What made you interested in REI?
?? What catalyst pushed you over the cliff and made you do your first deal
?? Have you hit any speed bumps?
?? How did that turn out?
Come Ready With Your Questions!
You are going to Love our new speakers!
Hear how others Turned Tragedy into Triumph
Jim Trimble
Are you taking advantage of them all?
Thursday, October 11, 2018 6-9 pm
Volunteers arrive: 4-5 pm
Sponsor Room Opens: 5:45 pm
Early Bird Sessions Begin: 6:00 pm
Main Session: 7:00 pm
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
2095 Appling Road
Cordova, TN 38016